Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 64: Belated Victory


As the photo makes plainly clear, someone lost more than just an hour last night!  I lost an entire pound between yesterday and today and have finally reached the 5 pound weight loss mark since starting the blog!  It's a tad bittersweet that I didn't reach this point's a bit like picking the winning lottery numbers a day too early or something. But I am still really happy.

The Obligatory Stats:
Calories Consumed: 1000. More impressively though, I had like 26 grams of fiber yesterday.
Exercise: None....unless sidestepping beads and cabbages thrown from the St. Patty's Day Parade counts.
Weight: 133.0 (-1.0 since yesterday; -5.0 OVERALLFive pounds!  It doesn't sound like a ton, but that's the weight of a standard bag of flour.

I can't believe that I've lost the equivalent a bag of flour from my body in just about 2 weeks!  I believe that I am right on track to lose the entire 18 pounds by the wedding.

I am actually beyond relieved that I reached the 5 pound mark today because yesterday...well, yesterday was hard.  First, it was incredibly difficult to summon the willpower to stick to the diet after having a second setback in the same week.  It's hard for me to cope with that sort of backtracking when I know that I haven't cheated even once since beginning the diet.  It becomes incredibly difficult to not slip into the "Well, I did everything right and I gained weight, so why not eat this cheeseburger/pizza/side of beef" mindset after a gain.

Yesterday was also the St. Patrick's Day Parade.  I was surrounded by a whole lot of self-proclaimed Irish people who were making it their business to get really, really drunk.  Then my adorable fiance' arrived at the parade with a ton of Jell-O shots that I really wanted to enjoy with everyone else.  But I held fast.  It was really hard though.  One friend suggested just putting some vodka in my Diet Mountain Dew.  "It's only 50 calories an ounce."

Tempting.  Very tempting.

But in the end, I just couldn't do it.  I attribute my willpower to this blog...and more specifically its readers.  You and this blog have become the most powerful tool I have against temptation.  I can't cheat because then I'd have to admit it here.  When I'm successful, it feels great to share it with the world.  When I cheat--if I cheat--I'd have to own up to 100-hits-a-day's worth of shame.

So, thanks. I literally couldn't do this without you.

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