Monday, March 14, 2011

63 Days Until Gown: Whole Foods Sushi....Meet Your Match

Okay, so for anyone who's just now following the blog, I have a bit of a "thing" against Whole Foods.  Specifically, I find them a hypocritical company that won't man-up and distribute the nutritional information for their prepared foods (my real vendetta against them stems from the fact that they do not post the information about their sushi).

Disagree with me all you want.  I admit that they've sort of got a "feel good" thing going on, what with their "free samples" and "friendly clerks" and "food that does not contain healthy, nutritious mercury" and stuff. But when you see some of the shysty places that do post their nutritional information, it really casts Whole Foods in a bad light.

The latest place that I have discovered that actually does provide their sushi's calorie information is my not-so-friendly neighborhood Breaux Mart (for the Yankees who read this, it's pronounced "Bro" as in: "My younger Bro decided to open a Mart. I'm gonna check it out. Anyone need some Copenhagen?").  I was more than just a little surprised to discover that the Breaux Mart sushi is 100% calorie-transparent.  I mean this is the same place that just last year wreaked of moth balls and that sells cotton candy in the checkout aisles.  If this place can pony up the sushi stats, then I think Whole Foods should be able to.

Now, some of you (the more rational ones of you) might be thinking, "Just stop going to Whole Foods and get your sushi from the "Bro" Mart and quit whining and leave us alone..."  And I would ordinarily be inclined to agree.  But the only problem is that I am pretty sure that Breaux Mart is the filthiest little store ever. Just ever.  I once bought lunch meat there that had expired two weeks prior (I mean, yeah, I could have checked....but should you really have to? I mean come on...).  And that was COOKED.  So I am not sure I am ready to take the leap and start eating raw fish from there.

Why am I bitching about this?  Well, I woke up today light as a freakin' feather and I have no other complaints.  So....yeah.

Today: lots and lots of school stuff....and yes, a trip to Whole Foods. Because I don't want formaldehyde in my food. Damn them!

Weight 131.8  (-1.2 since yesterday; -6.2 overall). 
Calories consumed: 1000
Exercise:  *shame* Not a bit.


  1. I don't think sushi varies that much from place to place as far as calories go, but I googled and found this. I hope it's helpful. This is what they claim WFM sushi is nutritionally:

  2. I can also tell you that they only use Canola mayo in that store incase that every comes up.

  3. And then there's this, which I can attest to. They change their recipes up from time to time based on what other departments have given them when it's nearing its expiration date:

    "We strive to make nutritional information on all of our products available to our customers whenever possible. Rather than having a national list of approved recipes, each of our regional and in-store chefs develops hundreds of recipes, often based on local and seasonal ingredients. For example, we want our chefs to be able to react quickly when a bumper crop of blueberries is locally available, and create exciting dishes featuring this special ingredient. Due to this flexible system, the time-consuming data analysis necessary to create nutrition labels is not always possible."

    And I defend them not because I work for them, but because frankly I'd be more worried about eating at restaurants than stuff i pick up at Whole Foods. I will say, however, that most people should avoid the WFM vegan chocolate chip cookies. They're super good but I hear they pack 40 g of fat (vegans don't get fat from meat or dairy so apparently they get to splurge on things like that).
