Thursday, March 10, 2011

67 Days Until Gown: The Final Countdown (to pedicure)

For Optimum Entertainment Value the Author Recommends Reading this Blog Whilst Listening to this Clip:

OR this one (same song, different style; just a matter of personal preference):

Calories Consumed: 1040
Exercise: 60 minutes; walking 2.5 mph
Weight: 134.0 (-4.0 lbs overall.  Not sure what the change is since yesterday's wackadoodle weigh-in). 
Pounds To Go Until PEDICURE: 1.0 

Well, folks. I did it. I cracked the pesky 134.4 mark that's had me wallowing in self doubt for the last THREE days.  Good god it feels good to break free from that nonsense. 

But now there is a one-pound fish to fry and it's name is 134.0.  That's right. I am a mere pound away from getting a much needed pedicure. The next two days of my life will be devoted exclusively to chewing up 134.0 and spitting it back out.  Ordinarily I would say that's no problem, but after my little detour down Route 134.4, I am not certain that I can do it.  One thing I do know: I have to ramp it up today and tomorrow. 

In other news, the last couple days have been pretty good.  I reached a major milestone in my "lifestyle change" yesterday: I ate lunch at a restaurant!  It was scary. I am not going to lie.  It's always frightening to not know precisely what is going into your food.  Oh sure, the grilled chicken and veggies sounds innocuous enough, but when it comes out dripping in buttery goodness, the jig is up. 

I came prepared: I brought my food scale, a liquid measuring cup and other measuring apparatuses so that I could figure out ounces of whatever I ended up ordering whether it be fish or chicken or butter. I ultimately ended up going the safest route possible and ordered a soup for which a "Brand Name" was provided (so that I could look up the stats on the Internet).  Of course, I still had to measure the fluid ounces of soup using my nifty tools to get an accurate calorie count.  This required taking the empty soup bowl and my liquid measuring cup to the bathroom for some jolly good water-measuring fun. The waitress didn't seem to care for me when I did this, but sometimes ridicule, mockery, and outright loathing is the price you pay for being calorie-conscious. 

Now, of course, were the restaurant required to post it's calorie information or something none of that would have been necessary, but I digress...

I've also noticed a spectacular improvement in my blood pressure.  It was some crazy-high number like 178/110 around Thanksgiving.  According to the blood pressure cuff at the Winn-Dixie it's down to 125/75.  Still not a perfect 120/80, but I'll take it. 

All in all, a slightly slow week for the BBR, but progress is progress.  After reaching my 5 lb goal, I will need to come up with a new treat for when I reach the 10 pound mark.  Perhaps a glass of wine! Or a paintball gun or something.  But for now I must tackle 134.0.....

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