Sunday, March 27, 2011

52, 51, 50 Days to the Gown: THE BIGGEST B-LOSER

Previously on, The Biggest B-Loser  ("Bride-Loser").....

After weeks of relentless adherence to the BBR, Chunky Bride stunned the competition and viewers when she cheated to avoid wearing a hideous velour tracksuit.  Her ploy worked, but soon she traversed back into the 130s after rehydrating herself.  Silly Chunky Bride.  But true to form, she eventually re-entered the 120s on her own willpower and dieting alone.  But after a few days in the 120s, she had another "fluctuation" back into the 130s leaving her feeling depressed and irritated. 

What will happen on today on The Biggest B-Loser?

Alright, alright.  I am sure everyone gets the point.  It's been a while since I've blogged.  I am truly sorry for that, but make no mistake--I have been remiss in blogging, but I've still--basically--adhered to the BBR during this time of silence.  

It has been so incredibly busy around here; I would explain why but I think this illustration by my brother and his girlfriend says it best: 

Thanks for the art, you two!  I should explain to the rest of the readers that in exchange for their art saving me a good 30 minutes of explaining what the heck has been going on over the last three days, I am to enjoy a nice long work out.  And I will be doing that the second that I get off this computer. 

Where to's been a while so I should probably start by posting a graphical chart of my weight loss to put things in perspective: 

The good news is that the progression is still decidedly downward.  The bad news is that the progress has slowed quite a bit.  If you notice, the lowest point on the chart was actually from Friday, March 25, 2010.  That morning I clocked in at 128.4 which is an all-time low. It was, however, the result of cheating.  I had four glasses of wine the night before.  Incidentally, I should mention that my tolerance for alcohol has diminished substantially since the beginning of the BBR.  

Friday and Saturday I adhered to the BBR and this morning weighed in at 129.2.  This is the same weight that I was on Wednesday morning before the fluctuation back to 130.  So this week has really not been particularly successful.  I began Monday morning at 129.6 and am ending at 129.2.  That's only a half a pound of weight loss.  If I want to lose the remaining nine and a half pounds by the wedding, I've got to post about 1.5 pounds a week (a little less actually).  The pressure is on!  

The lessons I've learned this week: diet-wise, I am not going to be able to have little glasses of wine here and there if I want to seriously lose the rest of the weight.  This was the first week of "experimenting" with enjoying calorie-laden beverages, and while I did lose some weight and I would be happy with that sort of progress if I had unlimited time, I am 50 days out from the gown.  And I am exactly one week away from my first fitting FOR the gown (April 4).  

GOAL: 1.5 pounds per week from here on out.  That means 127.6 by next week's fitting. 

The CARROT:  PEDICURE! It really is starting to stink that I haven't reached a single pedicure benchmark.  Maybe this will be the one!

The STICK:  Well, I've ordered my t-shirt.  Perhaps I could use a matching trucker-hat.  Ashton Kutcher would be proud. 

That's all for today!  Thanks for everyone's support.  I apologize for the huge lag between posts this week.  I will forewarn that until April 2 there might be more lags.  I am organizing a very large event at the law school that takes place on April 1 and April 2 and it consumes a TON of time.   But I will do my damnedest! 

1 comment:

  1. Just got back from an hour-long power walk. Thank you, Lauren and Tommy for the time to do it. =)
