Wednesday, March 2, 2011

75 Days Until Gown

As the title of this post would imply, I am getting married in 75 days.

A typical procrastinator, I had intended to get into perfect wedding-day shape ever since the proposal in July.  But there was always something--my birthday, Saints football season, his birthday, the Holidays, the beginning of a new semester, President's Day, Thursday--that made me say, "Oh, it's just one splurge. I'll start dieting next week."  Well, here we are: 8 months since the proposal, 75 days out from the big day, and 0 pounds lost.  I suppose the upside is that I haven't gained anything either.

But that all changes today, my friends.  At 75 days out, it is officially the absolute last opportunity to begin a diet and workout plan to safely lose my desired amount of weight by the big day.  Which brings me to the specifics:

I am currently weighing in at 138.0 pounds.  While that might not seem all that bad, it's not the greatest look on my 5'1'' frame.  And it's far heavier than I am used to being (I blame the stress and sedentary lifestyle of law school, a fiance' who can eat his weight in McDoubles and never gain an ounce, and my own affinity for artisan French cheeses and wine and (to dump the "I'm a foodie" act for a second) McDoubles....and fettucini alfredo.

My goal is to weigh 120 pounds for the wedding.  An 18 pound loss over 75 days (or roughly 0.28 pounds a day).  Sounds easy enough, right?

I can immediately identify several challenges in the very near future: 1) Mardi Gras is this weekend--read: there will be lots of beer and garbage-passing-for-food at every turn; 2) I am scheduled to go to a tasting at the caterer for the wedding on Friday; 3) tonight, there is a reception at my law school that I am required to attend and I have it on good authority that there will be fettucini alfredo there (an all-time worst trigger food for me).

What I believe I need is a plan of attack to safely navigate through my temptation-filled world lest I need to be wheel barreled down the aisle.

So with no further adieu, allow me to introduce the BRIDAL BEAUTY REGIMEN (BBR).  The BBR is very simple:

1) I limit myself to 1100 calories per day.  Period.  No excuses.  If I want my 1100 calories to consist solely of butter, that's strictly between me and the oily stool that is sure to follow.  If I want my 1100 calories to consist solely of beer, well, that's between me, my liver, and the 30 friends and relatives that will attend my intervention.

2) I, wisely, will try to stretch my 1100 calories per day by eating lean things that are filling: lean meats, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.  But if the occasion calls for a slab of Fromage d'Affinois, I may have it; but I must deduct it (and all it's creamy, decadent goodness) from the 1100 calories.

3) I will walk from my apartment to law school (about 3 miles one way) at any practicable opportunity (ie., when schedule and weather allows).

4) I will identify potential pitfalls and create a tailored plan to address them before temptation can take hold.  For example: I've already identified tonight's law school reception as a potential pitfall due to the fact that it is at dinner time and one of my trigger foods is being served.  My plan of attack?  I will bring a fettucini alfredo Lean Cuisine or Michelina Lean Gourmet with me to school and I will eat it before the reception using a school microwave.  That way, I might feel like I've had my "fix" and will be less tempted.

5) I will regularly update my weight on this very public forum to shame me into compliance.

I'll be back to update when I figure out a plan of attack for Friday's tasting (I mean, the whole point of going is to taste the stuff to pick things for the wedding) and this Mardi Gras weekend.

Anyway, I am very excited to get started!

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