Friday, March 18, 2011

59 Days: Assemble the Ensemble

It's 10:44 pm.  I usually don't post this late, but it's still technically March 18, 2011 so I haven't missed a day! Sorry for the delay though. Today was completely nuts with law school.  I barely even had time to think about the BBR.

But how's the diet going?  I'll give you a hint:

Yup.   That's 2/3 of my infamous velour tracksuit with matching sequined tank top (still can't find the track pants).  I made a point to dig it out of the back of the closet after this morning's doozy of a weigh in:

Calories: 1020
Exercise: 45 minutes walking 3.0 mph
Weight: 132.2  (-5.8 overall. I don't even want to calculate the difference between yesterday and today....)

Okay.  You'd think by now I would be completely used to the whole "Hey, it's a diet. You'll fluctuate sometimes" thing. You'd think.

But no.  It still sucks. Every. Single. Time.

I didn't let it discourage me though! I stuck by my guns today and I even discovered (with help from a couple friends) what could be the culprit from the vast majority of my "fluctuations."  A friend commented on the blog warning me about the sodium content in the Michelina's meals from the Tribute to Deliciousness.  I originally disregarded that comment because I've actually been really good about keeping track of the sodium in most things, because I am trying to lower my blood pressure.  But her comment really inspired me because later today it hit me: each time I've gained weight during the diet it was a morning after eating at Quiznos.  So I checked myfitnesspal and it turns out that the Quiznos nutritional information that I've been using does not include sodium so it wasn't getting factored into my daily totals. And it would completely make sense if my go-to sandwich at Quiznos is a sodium bomb because it tastes way too good to be both low calorie and low in sodium.

So I am hoping that tomorrow morning I'll post a nice loss and that the gain today was just holding water after eating a super-salty Quiznos sandwich.  We'll see.  And if that proves to be the case I owe some friends a thank-you!

Also, I wanted to address a question in the comments section about what I've been drinking since the BBR.

I would say I drink about 30(ish) ounces of sparkling water a day.  I like the 32 oz. generic brand at Whole Foods.  I also drink a lot of Diet Mountain Dew and Diet Pepsi (for whatever reason I feel like it's more "special" than run-of-the-mill Diet Coke).

I probably shouldn't drink that much diet soda but I justify it two ways. First, the only real problem I've ever heard about diet soda that makes any sense at all is that it tends to keep people craving carbohydrates--particularly simple sugars--because the fake sweeteners don't actually fill the body's need for sugar when someone craves something sweet.  This problem really doesn't apply to me (in my layman opinion).  I've never really liked sweets. Ever.  And I have yet to crave a carb on the BBR.  I tend to yearn for cheese, cream, and other fatty I don't see my drinking diet soda as putting myself at risk of some crazy, carb-tastic binge. Second, I am depriving myself of so many things lately I feel like I am entitled to one vice, damnit! So the diet soda stays.

Anyway that's all for now.

Think thin!  I really don't have enough time to hunt down the remaining third of that tracksuit.

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