Wednesday, March 16, 2011

62 Days: My Shit Doesn't Fit!

NOTE:  This blog entry was originally written yesterday, Tuesday, March 15, 2011.  For whatever reason blogspot's server was down so I couldn't post it.

Calories Consumed: 1000 (including 1 glass of the bubbly to celebrate booking our honeymoon flights)
Exercise: Not a bit.
Weight: 131.2 (I'm shocked! And thrilled! -0.6 from yesterday; -6.8 overall)

Alright, today's excellent weigh-in aside, we've got a problem. Well, I've got a problem.  Specifically none of my clothes fit!  My Pre-BBR clothes are all hopelessly too big, but my Pre-ChunkyBride clothes are all still a hair  too small.  I've been wondering all morning how that could possibly be.  What the heck was I wearing en route to 138.0?  I must have been wearing something.

And then it hit me like a ton of bricks: Velour. Tracksuit.

Yes, friends. Sadly, that's me in the above photo.  (The cheesy-poofs aren't mine. Honest). That little number that I am sporting in the photo oversaw my journey through the 130s.  I bought it when I was about 129 pounds and wore it during the 2 months of weight gain that accompanied the Saint's epic 2009 season.  When the season ended--and I had gained weight considerably--I decided that I had to own some actual clothes (ya know, clothes that are made of some type of "cloth") and bought the stuff that I am swimming in now.

So anyway, you can see the dilemma.  I can either wear the stuff from Pre-BBR and look like a bag lady, or I can wear the too-tight stuff from my Pre-ChunkyBride Days (and presumably lose even more weight according to this article). But there is one thing that is NOT an option: wearing the velour tracksuit.

In other news, I've set a new goal for myself:  I'd like to reach the 120s by this weekend.  Goal: 129.8 or lower.  Deadline: Sunday morning.  That gives me three days to lose a little over a pound.  I think it's doable...but it's also a close call whether or not it is doable so that will keep it fun.

The Carrot:  If I reach my goal I will finally get my pedicure--the very same little bit of personal pampering that has been eluding me for weeks now.

The Stick: If I do not reach the goal, I will hunt down and wear the velour tracksuit as a mark of shame.

Wish me luck! I am gonna need it!

1 comment:

  1. I love the carrot and the stick idea! Also, I'm glad you've finally realized how terrible that track suit is. Though it is a nice color on you.
