Monday, March 28, 2011

49 Days to the Gown: Discouraging Start

Weight: 129.6
Calories Consumed:  1020
Exercise: 60 minutes; power walking 4.0 mph

Uggghhhh....the weight loss gods have it out for me. This is what I get for cheating twice last week.  I've been perfectly good ever since the latest deflection from the BBR on Thursday and I am still being punished!  129.6.  Come on!  Someone help a sister out! I gotta get down to 127.6 by next Monday's dress fitting.  That's 2 pounds.  I am a little nervous about whether it will be possible.  I have had pretty bad luck with reaching my goals this far, but if I want to stay on track to get to 120 in 7 weeks, I have got to lose at least 1.5 pounds a week.  So here goes nothing.

One thing that has made the BBR a little easier lately is that my fiance is actually on a diet for the wedding now too.  It was so hard being the only person who wasn't enjoying beers and wine and fatty foods.  Now there are two of us.  Lesson: the old adage "misery loves company" is completely true.

Oh! I found a cool new app.  I was getting really sick of not knowing how fast or how far I've been walking.  I tried manually entering my routes into Google Maps and stuff, but it just didn't quite work out because walking routes differ from driving routes--especially when I walk through the park on the way to and from school.   So I downloaded an app called Walkmeter that is basically a fancy pedometer that uses GPS signals from the iPhone to track me as I move around.   The best feature: I can enter my height and weight and it tells me how many calories I've burned from my movements.

I was also able to use Walkmeter to figure out whether the calorie "estimates" on my fitnesspal's exercise listings were accurate. The craziest thing ever: the calorie estimates on myfitnesspal were identical to the detailed calculations on Walkmeter.  Both apps had my 59:14 minute long, 4 mile walk burning 293 calories.  I was really surprised. I thought for sure that myfitnesspal would be at least a couple dozen calories off.   You learn something new every day.

Let's hope for a big loss tomorrow!


  1. NOLA, did you read the last few comments on your thread in TK getting in shape board? I really think you are eating too few calories causing your metabolism to go down. . .

  2. Agreed on that metabolism comment. Also Katie, you might try doing some lunges, crunches, pushups and other muscle building exercises (if you aren't already) since muscle really helps to burn the toning up bit is pretty sweet too!
