Tuesday, March 8, 2011

69 Days Left: Pro Choice

Alright, let me start off today's blog by saying that I am stunned and confused, and I have been consulting the laws of thermodynamics for the last few hours and there is still no explanation for what is about to follow:

Calories consumed: 1000
Exercise: 75 minutes (walking 3.0 mph; sporadic, intermittent jogging)
Weight: 134.4  !?!?!?!?!???!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?

WTF, man?! That makes no sense at all.   How can there be a 0.0 lb change since yesterday?  I am not cheating! I'm doin' the work; I'm not a slacker!  So what gives?!

Naturally, I am going to place the blame for this on someone and I've decided to blame Whole Foods.  And the Louisiana Legislature.  And the United States Congress.

Why, you ask?  Well, I walked to Whole Foods yesterday to enjoy my absolute favorite sushi roll.  When I arrived at Whole Foods I realized that the calorie information on the roll was nowhere to be seen.  So I went to guest services and asked them.  And they sent me to the sushi-roller people to ask them.  And they told me they didn't have the information with them, but could bring it the rest of the week (and I will be going back to check on Wednesday when the Mardi Gras is over).  But, really? Whole Foods?  COME ON! I thought you were supposed to be on team "let's all be healthy." Wouldn't it be nice if you provided nutritional information for all of your prepared foods?  I mean, I can understand Aldi's being aloof about their calorie information; that just comes with a territory. But you're WHOLE FOODS!   I say, put your money where your mouth is and put up nutritional information for all of your products.  I am talking on the website AND in the store.

But of course, blaming Whole Foods alone would just be silly.  That's right: I'm looking at you Louisiana Legislature (hereinafter, "LL").  Seriously, LL?  Louisiana consistently ranks among the worst states in the United States in terms of obesity and diabetes and all other measures of poor health.  Now, I would never suggest you put a tax on soda or put a moratorium on building new fast food outlets or anything. That would deny people their personal choice.  And choice is good.  But why not at least give people who want to CHOOSE to be healthy the ability to make an INFORMED CHOICE?  California and New York City have already implemented measures that require certain restaurants (those that have a certain number of locations, etc.) to post their calorie information in big prominent letters on the menu.  I used to think that might be a little weird until I went to St. Louis and the Bread Company (Panera, elsewhere) had posted the calories on their menu.  It was absolutely amazing being able to order and know what I was getting.  So, LL, I implore you: do something that is pro choice.  Just this once.

But, being a realist, I know that Louisiana won't legislate on anything (unless, of course, it's declaring March 2, 2011 Official Chitlin Day or something).  So I put this to the United States Congress.  No one whines more about the state of obesity in America (particularly among America's children) than the federal government.  So DO something about it Congress!  Don't pass ridiculous taxes to try to influence choice; that would simply burden the lower and middle class and would likely not lead to any real changes.  But give people the ability to make informed choices in what they eat!  And don't even try to say that public health is a matter usually left to the states; this is an obvious Commerce Clause issue.  Just adopt something similar to New York City's ordinance that requires all chain restaurants (and grocery stores' prepared foods departments *cough* Whole Foods *cough*) to publish their nutritional information where people can see it!   I am all about limiting government interference in our lives.  But when a frantic New Orleanian bride can't enjoy a f***ing sushi roll without facing stagnant weight loss the next day something is very wrong with the United States of America!

But really Whole Foods.


  1. Katie, you are too funny! The first 5ish lbs are always easy to fall right off. Then it can seem like you hit a road block for to get the next 2 or 3 lbs going again. You will be fine! Add some extra cardio today and enjoy a nice green salad! <3

  2. You cannot blame a single sushi roll for not losing weight. It's simply unrealistic to expect the scale to go down every day. You could be retaining water or maybe gaining a little muscle mass.

  3. Spoken like someone working for the enemy ;)

  4. I really hope some of this content was included for humor sake.
