Sunday, April 3, 2011

44 and 43 Days: The End of an Era

I have some big news.  Some may even say sad news.  Just remember, all good things must come to an end.  Today we bid adieu to a good friend:  Chunky Bride.

It's official.  This bride is no longer chunky. 

Weight: 127.0 (yesterday); 126.6 (today) (-11.4 pounds since the beginning of the blog; -1.8 pounds since the last blog) Woo hoo!! I've passed the 10 pound mark! Finally! 


But wait, there's more.

Dress Size: 6; down from size 10. 
Jeans: Size 8; down from size 10. 
Suits: Size 6; down from size 10.  (Blazer size: Small, down from a snug fitting Medium). 
Shoes:  Exactly the same. It's so frustrating! 

(In case you haven't guessed, I played dress up this morning after seeing the number on the scale). 

 In light of the above statistics, I don't really think I can get away with the self-deprecating moniker "Chunky Bride" anymore.  Of course I'll still blog; there's still work to be done.  I prefer to still blog anonymously lest a prominent New Orleans legal employer stumbles across these ridiculous ramblings.    So I need a new name!   I can't think of any right now, but I am open to suggestions.  Nothing ridiculous like "Skinny Bride" as that would be a bit of a stretch. 

Also, in the interest of full disclosure, I stayed under my 1200 calorie limit both yesterday and the day before, but I did indulge in wine both nights so I wouldn't be surprised if my weight goes back up a bit tomorrow.  I am hoping to at least stay under 127.6 because that means I get a pedicure! Finally! 

Today I am super excited about having my life back after the craziness of Friday and Saturday.  I am going to reward myself with a nice 4 mile long walk to the tanning salon and some Whole Foods sushi.  (I am on much better terms with Whole Foods now that I know the nutritional info).  I can't wait. 

And also...tonight begins The SHRED.  I think that today is the perfect day to take on the sneering Hell Cat that is Jillian because my schedule is finally back to normal, I am amped up about fitting into a bunch of my clothes again, and tomorrow's high-stakes weigh-in calls for an extra burst of exercise today.  

Wish me luck!!!! 

Signing off forever,

Chunky Bride. 


  1. Good! Yes! I love you, but I hated the moniker so much! Beautiful Bride! Charming Bride! Svelte Bride! Brilliant Bride! Legal Bride! The WINNING Bride! All of these are far more appropros pseuds, imho. Congratulations on accomplishing your goal!
