Tuesday, April 5, 2011

41 Days Until Gown: I'm Shrinking!!

I'm shrinking!!! Yes, indeedio.  If I were a garment, I'd be low-quality polyblend sold at Forever 21.

How did I come to learn that I was shrinking?  Well, I went in to get remeasured for my wedding gown. The first time she measured me was about 4 days before Matt and I took our engagement pictures.  See before shot:

At the appointment, we discovered that I've lost 3 inches from my chest, 3.5 inches from my waist, and 1.75 inches from my hips.  I was starting to think it was just my imagination that I wasn't losing weight in my lower half as quickly, but it turns out I was correct.

I wanted to ask her to measure around each of my thighs just so that I would know if I start shrinking there too, but seeing as that measurement would be completely irrelevant to the size of my dress I decided against it because she might have thought I was psycho or something.

In other news, I FINALLY STARTED THE SHRED.  And I finally realized why they call it the Shred.  It's because Jillian makes you wish that you could shred the f-ing DVD into a million pieces and stab her in the neck with the shards.

Now, I have to confess, I started the Shred...and I made it through about 8 minutes.   I am pretty sure that, aside from Jillian, Satan himself is the only person who can manage to cram so much misery into 8 minutes.

See the resemblance?

She started--STARTED!--the work out by making me do push ups.  What the deuce?! Push ups!?  Didn't she get the memo: I'm a girl!  I don't do push ups!  And if we must do them at all, could you at least give a girl some warning?  Like maybe do them at like minute 6 rather than right out of the gate?

After 8 minutes of the Shred my arms were done.  Just done. In truth, I could have done a lot more ab stuff and probably a bit more with legs.  But I couldn't even hold my poor little wine glass steady last night because my arm muscles were shaking and sore.

Today I will try to finish the Shred...or at least get into the double-digits of minutes doing the Shred.

Here are the stats:

Calories Consumed: 1300 (I cheated; I know...)
Weight: 127.2 (no change....which I'm happy with considering that I cheated)
Exercise: exactly 8.2 minutes of the Shred....which I am fairly certain doesn't count at all.  Although I am in a decent amount of pain today.

Signing off until tomorrow,

Spunky Bride


  1. first time i did shred, i "made" it through (I collapsed in defeat several times and just laid on the ground) but I was so sore I walked funny for literally 3 days afterwards. Momma finished the whole 30 days but was dissatisfied with the results. she wasn't dieting though

  2. I've done it all for two days now. I have a hard time with the push ups but everything else isn't that bad. Sure i'm sweaty and out of breath, but i get through it. It'll get easier for you. My legs are definitely hurting, though.

  3. I do the "girl" pushups on my knees, but it's gotten a lot easier in the month or so that I've been doing it (2-3 times a week). I even attempted level 2 a few times, so you have that fresh hell to look forward to.

  4. I think I'm slightly offended at the "I'm a girl, I don't do push ups" comment, but I realize that not everyone is a rock climber so, I will tell you that if you start 3 feet away from a wall or door or other flat vertical surface, that you can get a pretty good arm workout falling and then pushing yourself back up off the wall. It's not as hard as push ups, but gives you some good toning (if you stand on your toes it works your calves as well)!
    A certain someone says "I can see it, bride knocks her self unconscious while...."
