Thursday, April 21, 2011

25 Days Until Gown: BOOM Baby!!

MWAH HAHAHAHAHAHA!!  Oh, silly scale.  I have bested you yet again.

Alright, I am sure that everyone knows that this weigh-in was Wine-Assisted. How else do you explain a nearly 2 pound drop overnight.?   What can I say?  I had just finished my last class EVER as a law student and I was ready to do some celebrating (some very well-earned, three-years-in-the-making celebrating).

So let's catch everyone up since the last time I posted (not including yesterday's "I'll call you when I get there to let you know I'm not dead" post).

I believe last time I posted was the morning after the Moot Court Banquet (a Diet Abandonment Event) and I was weighing in at a Wine-Assisted 125.0   Well, since then I was staying hydrated, studying, sticking to the diet (with the exception of a couple ridiculously cheesy slices of pizza on Saturday) and was able to get down to 125.4 with fluids.  Then that brings me to today's weigh in.  123.6.  Heh.  I haven't seen that number on the scale since about August 2009.  Not too shabby with or without a Wine-Assist.  (and it's a good pound and a half less than my last Wine-Assisted weigh-in, so it's progress).

What else is new?  I have a gown!!  Or at least the beginning stages of one.  I went to my seamstress to try on what she's done so far and was really pleased.  The thing makes me look SO skinny! I want to post a picture but I don't want to spoil the fun!  (I don't know if anyone is paying attention, but the only more closely guarded secret than Kate Middleton's wedding dress is my wedding dress). No really. It's super mega secret. At 3.5 weeks out, even I don't know what the final product is going to look like.  Top that, Waity Katie.

But what I do know: the thing is slimming.

Anyway, I am off to study some more, do the 30 Day Shred (it's gotten a lot easier...I feel a bit silly for demonizing it so much before), and then celebrate some pretty awesome things at my favorite sushi joint.  Can't top that!

1 comment:

  1. Did you stop posting your weight? I'm rooting for you!
